Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas message from AFCMA President

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
May the Peace and Joy of Christmas be with you!
We have just returned from the succesful 14th AFCMA Congress held in Hong Kong.
Congratulations to Dr. Peter Au Yeong, Dr. Michael Poon and the Hong Kong Guild of St. Luke, St. Cosmas and St. Damian for a job well done.The theme of the Congress was "Human Dignity in Modern Medicine".
At the Congress a new team of Council Members was elected. A Medical Mission Committee headed by Dr. John Lee to help in overseas mission emergencies was formed. Tha Bioethics Committee headed by Dr. Edna Monzon was also formed to look into and address issues that challenge our Church's teachings,etc.. Please look at our AFCMA web-site for the full list of Office Bearers. Special thanks to Dr. K.Y.Chong for looking after and updating our AFCMA web-site.
As the new President of AFCMA I hope that you will give me and our Council Members your fullest support so that together we will bring greater glory to God! During the next 4 years I hope that together we will continue to advocate for the dignity of vulnerable persons such as the unborn,elderly,disabled and the terminally ill,etc. as per the the 14th AFCMA Congress's resolution. Interestingly the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith from the Vatican has just issued the "Dignitas Personae" a document which addresses a range of bioethical issues including stem cell therapies,embryo experimentation and infertility treatments. It focusses on the dignity of the human embryo and promotes biomedical research that is respectful of the dignity of every human being and procreation.
Another matter that I wish to address during my term of office is the AFCMA country membership. At the just concluded AFCMA Congress His Eminence Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care exhorted us to reach out to those Asian countries which are not yet members of AFCMA. I sincerely hope that with God's grace we will be able to increase our country membership by at least one country when we meet for the next Congress in Indonesia in year 2012. If you know of anyone who can help us in this matter please let us know.Thank you.
As we waitwith joy to celebrate the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a Blessed and Merry Christmas andmay HIS light shine through us to guide us and act according to HIS WILL. Amen!
Yours Sincerely in Christ,
Dr. Freddie Loh
President AFCMA